I have written articles before about the love I have for my local choir - HEREFORD POP CHOIR Helen Vereker Singers.
So what's this new article about? Well, in 2017 we moved to a different venue. Hereford Cider Museum is now the place where we congregate on a Monday evening to have some FUN, to chat, to meet current friends and to make new friends of members that have just joined. Oh, and most importantly, to SING!
On September 16th 2019, we held an Open Evening to celebrate 15 years of HVS and entertained our visitors with some of our favourite songs, had a bite to eat and there was cider available as well as tea and coffee. If you like cider, the choice at the Cider Museum is vast!!
Our wonderful leader Helen Vereker discussed what the choir is all about, how we perform at various charitable gigs, weddings, festivals etc.
We have also performed at The Courtyard in Hereford. If you pop over to the choir website www.helenvereker.com/hvs you can read all about us! The website contains information on how to join. This YouTube link shows us performing Hallelujah when we sang at The Courtyard, Hereford and shared the stage with Starlight Company and Aspire Dance Company in 2016.
I have been a member since 2011, so after eight years I feel I am part of the furniture so to speak. Other people have been singing with Helen since she first started in 2004.
Sometimes singing can make your voice a little sore or a bit harsh and Helen has a remedy for that. Clarity throat sprays are ideal and these can be ordered from Helen via the advert on my website or directly from https://www.successfulsinging.com/ This website also has lots of information and advice about how to breathe properly, how to find your vocal range and much more!
If you live in Herefordshire, why not pop along and see for yourself how you too can have some fun and de-stress!
I am happy to report that since our open evening we have enrolled many new members and so far they are all enjoying their new experiences performing at different venues as well as our regular Monday evenings!
At Miros in Hereford
We were delighted to sing some Abba songs at a wedding in June in Hereford 2018 as a surprise for the bride and groom. The sun shone, everyone was happy and we even encouraged the wedding guests to dance as we sang along! One of our lovely choir members, Amy Ammo made custom hair pieces for some of us and as you can see from the photo above, they look fabulous. The week before we sang at a church wedding and that was very well received too!
We also took part in the very successful Box of Delights in Hereford in December 2018. See some #highlights from their FB page here.
I hope the above has whetted your appetite to try a new hobby and at the same time, make new friends and join this very happy choir.
Photos copyright Helen Vereker.