There are many websites that are selling Cannabidiol products now and I have been sent 30 Hemp capsules 25mg from CBDLife to review.
I would like to share some products with you and also how my capsules are hopefully going to help me.
Let me begin by quoting this passage from the CBDLife website.
"WHAT IS Cannabidiol (CBD?)
The two main ingredients that are found in the marijuana plant are CBD and THC. Together these both belong to an exclusive class of compounds known as cannabinoids.
Most of the CBD used as a food supplement is found in the least processed form of the cannabis plant, known as hemp. Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, but they couldn’t be more different.
From birth, we naturally produce endocannabinoids-a compound similar to CBD. People are shocked to find out it’s already in our body, and our bodies already love it. Cannabinoids aren’t just found in the cannabis plant, they’re in us too. That’s why taking CBD is so important in supporting our health and wellness.
Every human and many animals too have a system present in their bodies known as The Endogenous Cannabinoid System. This system is so heavily involved in our health that it can restore balance when we are ill or make poor lifestyle choices.
When we take CBD, it stimulates our endocannabinoids system which is a system of receptors throughout the body. It is vital to keep this system in check as it helps our immune systems, protect our brains, help us manage stress and even keep our bodies in balance.
CBD is known as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid meaning when you take it, it won’t get you high-this unique feature of CBD is what makes it so great and appealing for taking care of ourselves.
CBD Life UK products are 100% natural, safe, non-toxic and are of the highest quality."
Hemp Oil Capsules 25mg
There have been many reports on the news in the last few months about the benefits of taking Hemp products which are sold legally as health supplements in many Health Food shops and also online. I am not a smoker and would never consider taking illegal Hemp, but as a supplement, I was intrigued to see if it could help me with various ailments.
I started by taking one 25mg capsule per day at lunchtime with food. I chose this method as this may prove to have longer lasting effects and is an easy and convenient way of taking the Hemp. I suffer from Carpal Tunnel syndrome which results in pins and needles in my hands and sometimes in my feet. I have started to take the capsules and hope that I will notice some improvement. If I can avoid having the operations on both my wrists, I will take the thirty Hemp Oil capsules as an alternative way to manage my condition. The capsules may also help with anxiety and sleep issues. I do suffer from insomnia so should be interesting to see if there is any change in my sleep pattern. Watch this space as I will report back.
Retailing at £49.95 for 30 x 25mg capsules, this works out at one month's supply if you take one per day.
Listed below are some of the other types of products available to buy from CBDLife should you want to try any for yourselves.
CBD Paste
CBD Paste contains more than 75 different beneficial compounds such as CBG, CBC, terpenes and terpenoids. The paste is in a syringe due to its thick consistency and 1-2 small grain of rice sized dose are taken 1-2 times per day.
The paste retails between £39.95 – £174.95 depending on quantity bought.
Hemp Oil Spray
This 400mcg Oil Spray is rich in Omega 3,6, vitamin E and is non-toxic. It is recommended to be taken sublingually, (under the tongue) and spray held for one to two minutes before swallowing. This method allows the oil to go directly into the bloodstream. If you find this method unpalatable, you can spray the oil directly into the mouth and swallow. A small drink of water will make sure it is washed down.
Retailing at £24.95 the spray is a great all rounder. There are many reviews to read here.
Hemp Balm
This rich CBD balm creates a barrier to help skin feel protected and relieved as well as supporting overall health. I have never come across a topical Hemp Balm before, but this looks like a great way to nourish skin and as it is topical, no after taste!
Retailing at £19.95 this represents good value.
CBDLife Dab Pen Kit
This is a Concentrate/wax/crumble vaporiser kit so if you like the idea of 'dabbing' this may well be suitable for you. As the website states 'Dabbing is associated with the vaporization of cannabis concentrates. Once they’re applied to a hot surface, they can be inhaled.'
Read some of the customer reviews here.
Retailing at £39.95 it includes everything you need.
CBDLife 100mg ePen
This is the Generation 3 CBD Vape Pen Kit which comes complete with everything you need to get started vaping CBD. The kit comes complete with a battery, pre-filled cartridge, USB charger and carry case. See two reviews here.
Retailing at £29.95, this may be suitable for you if you prefer to 'vape.'
CBD Gummy Rings 25mg
Gummy Rings are infused with full spectrum hemp extract. They are suitable for adults and children alike. Providing a source of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids like Omega-3, they taste of peach and provide a source of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids like Omega-3.
Retailing between £9.95 and £44.95, depending on the size of pack, this looks like a good way of trialling CBD.
There is a very useful questions and answers page on the website should you wish to know more about CBD products. You can also sign up to CBDLife mailing list to receive a discount of 10% off your order.
If you try any of these products and want to share your findings, please email me jan@reviewspot.co.uk and I will add your comments to this article.