Take a group of excitable men and women from Helen Vereker Singers and ask each group to shoot a video of We Go Together from the musical Grease.
Could we achieve this? What will we do? Where will we shoot our videos?
During the month of August we discussed our requirements for each scene and went ahead with our different groups to various locations in beautiful Herefordshire. Did we have fun? You bet! The group I was with went to one of the choir members house to film some scenes inside and out. We then went to a local playground - The Quarry in Hereford and had fun on the various pieces of playground equipment, much to the amazement of the children, parents and grandparents who watched us singing and having FUN!!
Other sections of the choir filmed in different parts of the county and all agreed that much frivolity was had. The end scenes were filmed by Helen and her son Matthew at The Cider Museum.
The finished result can be watched in the YouTube video below edited by our extremely talented choir leader Helen Vereker and available to watch on YouTube.
We Go Together Copyright Helen Vereker
The original You Tube video from the film Grease is below. I think we have managed a pretty good job ourselves, don't you??! Please post a comment or two at the end of the article if you would like to and share amongst your friends and families.
If you live in Herefordshire and would like to join our choir, we are having an open evening on September 16th 2019 at The Cider Museum in Hereford from 7-9pm. I have written this article about the choir here.
Lead photo copyright Maggie Cottam and taken by Oliver Cottam who also shot the video of the group I was with.