On reading about one woman's ridiculously expensive birthday party for her child, I thought back to when my two daughters were young.
I had to plan two parties seventeen days apart as they were both born in November, so lots of baking, cooking, jellies and trifle to be made and party games to plan.
What's wrong with an indoor picnic in November?!
One year I planned an indoor picnic, after all it was November! I lay several rugs on the floor of my lounge, had purchased several cake boxes from the cake shop and filled these with sandwiches crisps and other goodies, giving one to each child as they sat on the rugs. Another time, a cowboy meal with sausages and baked beans with bread rolls served on tin plates. A complete success. Then the games with the same child every year whinging when she didn't win pass the parcel or musical chairs!
One child wanted to have tea in Harrods!
As November loomed yet again I took my children to one side and said now they were grown up, (they liked that) they could choose four special friends and they would be taken out to tea as a treat to any place they chose. Maxine who never went anywhere without her map of Little Chefs, chose to go to one of those. Beverley decided she wanted to go to Harrods! I told her she would have the Wimpey or nothing!
Hubby was indeed exhausted!
My husband was informed he would be taking one of the gatherings. He arrived home after, looking a little shocked and weary.
"I've never seen children eat so much food! he said as he flopped into a chair.