Here are three more poems from Lexley to share with us.
I’m beating the bounds of my estate,
sounds grand though it isn’t that great
but it allows some exercise
whilst I try to isolate.
It’s not very large but big enough
for me,
I’ve never been a great walker
You see.
So first I amble the edge of the grass
trying to keep on tiptoes,
this is supposed to be good
don’t ask, Heaven knows.
It’s about 30 paces I have found
so I walk/run/skip,
keep going round
till I’m really bored,
then head off toward
the patio, all of 10’ square -
I do my line dance practice there.
3 songs later round the grass
again, then up towards the tree
at least I have more than a balcony!
So you see it might be small
but I wouldn’t want acres
and so it will do for me.
When all this is over and we
can meet again to
share a cup of tea,
in those much happier times
I hope you will,
beat the bounds with me.
I’ve got a cold which seems unfair
I’ve checked all the symptoms and been assured
It isn’t the virus
And I’ll soon be cured
So it would be spineless
To complain
But “atishoo”
There I go again.
And we’re rationing tissue
It’s become quite an issue
So you might find me impolite
But please just listen to my plight,
understand me as a friend,
do I apply my tissue to my nose
Or the other end!
Atishoo Atishoo.
All this will pass
So I must just endure
And hope that one more
Hot lemon drink
Will affect the cure
Exponential Rainbows
We were drenched for a while
but then the sun rewarded us,
a rainbow,
shimmering for a few precious
seconds, in a complete bow.
Then, last year, we joked,
said we would dig
where it ended,
uncover the pot of gold.
That though was last year.
Now we have learnt to value
the true gold
of care and friendship,
a loved one’s touch.
No need for digging because
clapping and singing,
we are no longer alone.
And this year,
there has been exponential
blossoming of rainbows,
their familiar arc
lighting our windows,
hearts and skies,
heralding our phoenix
See part 1 poems here.
See Part 2 poems here.