Here are three more poems from Lexley to share.
Green Shoots?
Near my window
sits a plastic tray
filled with watery hope,
carrots tops float.
Will they grow?
Sweet potato and
Avocado attempts - failed,
but now, I think,
something is happening.
Will they re-grow into carrots,
How long will it take,
who knows?
The world is changing -
maybe has changed forever,
but, by my window,
brave green shoots
herald regrowth -
and hope.
No school – the time stretches out,
glistening with possibilities.
Life has been restructured;
bedtime – derestricted,
doesn’t matter what they wear,
“can we paint, bake, kick a ball, plant seeds?”
“Yes, yes, yes - of course.”
Some day, far along that glistening path
normality awaits
But for now
Let’s make magic memories.
In these days of lock-down
tempers might be frayed
so I’m asking those of you
that must be obeyed
to stop using acronyms
which annoy us each time
especially me as it’s hard
to find a rhyme.
We are doing what is right
and listen nearly each night
to your report,
so now I must exhort
you to listen to my plea,
I’m sure there are others
just like me
so your message would be stronger
if you took a little longer
to say the words in full,
not cut down
so we have to look them up,
which makes us frown
as we try to remember
what those letters mean.
We don’t have that problem
With a message from the queen.
We will still listen each day,
try to really understand
what those charts say
but if you cut out acronyms -
that would be REALLY grand.
See Part 1 of Lockdown poems here.
See Part 3 of Lockdown poems here.